About Us
The Church of Jesus Christ Albany NY is one of many stakes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A stake is a group of local church congregations. Ours is officially called the Albany New York Stake and was created on June 8, 1969. We have nearly 4,600 members that gather in 12 congregations across the greater capital district from Glens Falls in the north to Hudson in the south and from Bennington, VT in the east to Schoharie Valley in the west (see map below).
Worldwide Community
We are a worldwide faith of over 16 million members. The Church has over 30,000 congregations in more than 160 countries and territories. Each of these congregations is a local group of Saints who serve, teach, inspire, and mentor each other as they strive to overcome personal challenges and hardships, and each is led by nonpaid leaders selected from the congregation who serve on a limited-time, volunteer basis.
Our faith is centered on the belief that everyone on earth is a son or daughter of a loving God and that His Son, Jesus Christ, saved the world from sin and death. Jesus Christ invites all of God’s children to come unto, follow, and become more like Him. The mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to help all of God’s children come to Jesus Christ through learning about His gospel, making and keeping promises with God (covenants), and practicing Christlike love and service. Members of the Church believe in helping individuals and families fulfill the commandments to love God and to love our neighbor. Members do so by living the gospel of Jesus Christ, caring for those in need, inviting all to receive the gospel, and uniting families through family history and temple work.