Pennies from Heaven

“In September of 2015 my grandfather read an article about professional money finders that sparked our curiosity. We wondered how much money we would be able to find in a year, so a few family members decided to give it a try. As time went on, this turned out to be more than just a social experiment.

It has turned into a way for us to see the Lord’s hand in our daily lives. We dubbed it “Pennies from Heaven.” Often when one of us is in need of a little extra comfort or love, we pray and ask Heavenly Father to send us a penny. It’s truly marvelous how often a penny, nickel, dime, quarter and even a dollar bill then shows up. It rarely happens immediately or shows up directly in our path, however; we have to do our part, to keep our eyes open and our minds focused on the task. The more we practiced this, the more adept we become at finding little coins. Even if it’s just a penny, we are so excited because it's one more sign of comfort to put into the jar.

Coins that are beat up and worn are often the most rewarding to find. Some are so mangled by life they may be difficult to recognize for what they are. But a penny is still a penny, and has the same worth as a penny fresh from the mint. The same can be said for blessings. Like looking for pennies, we must be vigilant in searching for and recognizing the little blessings the Lord has for us each and every day. As Elder Uchtdorf promised in his talk “Come, Join with Us,” when we have a perspective of faith instead of doubt, even the smallest blessings will speak volumes.

I would like to encourage all who wish to start a little jar of your own. It could be with family, friends and maybe even some members of your ward or branch. I would also encourage you to keep a metaphorical Pennies from Heaven jar. Vigilantly search out and count all the blessings Heavenly Father has for you. Talk about and share those blessings with others.

I'd like to bear my testimony that I know our Heavenly Father and our Lord Redeemer lives. They are looking out for us with their hands outstretched, imploring us to see the blessings that they shower down every day. Like the beloved hymn says, “count your many blessings, name them one by one,” and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”

Teresa Gale, Greenwich Branch & Albany 2nd Branch


Light that Never Can be Darkened


I Know Who I am in Christ