
Loretta Gulisane

Sister Gulisane was raised Catholic in Surprise, New York. She was the oldest of three and at the age of 16 started a lifelong passion for studying scripture.  By her mid 20’s her younger sister, Maria, had become involved with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and was pleading with Loretta to give the church a chance. After much persistence and much prayer and fasting by Maria for Loretta, she agreed to attend a service at the Hudson Branch. The words spoken by the speaker that day resonated with Loretta and she knew that the words spoken were for her.  She received intense revelation from God that the Church was true and that He wanted her to end her searching and to know she had found her home. On May 20, 1976, just two weeks after attending for the first time, she was baptized and confirmed a member. The following was written and submitted by Loretta. 

Because of Maria’s fasting and prayers for me she was hospitalized and couldn’t attend my baptism and gift of the Holy Spirit. However, the spirit witnessed to Maria when these things happened. After I was baptized, I was on a ‘mission’ to have my brother, John, join the church. I was relentless and maybe sometimes I may have done more harm than good. However, John joined the church two years after me, and interrupted his college education at Siena College to go on a mission to Milan Italy. Before he went, he baptized and gave a ring to Katherine Rose Hollenbeck who married him a few months after his return from his mission. Their wedding in the Washington DC Temple was another precious spiritual experience. The spirit was so strong that there wasn’t a dry eye in that sealing room! It felt to me that the Savior, Jesus Christ, was there and was smiling with His approval.

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is truly Jesus Christ’s church. I know that, because of the intense revelations that I have received. I’m so very grateful for my testimony and for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Loretta is in the middle of the back row and is shown here with a few others you may recognize.


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