Change is Possible

“I love my Savior Jesus Christ. Because of Him I know that change is possible. I've seen so much change as I've been on my mission. Sometimes it's change in me, and sometimes it's change in those I'm working with.

First off I'd like to start with the change in me. I can honestly say that I won't return the same person. There's so much more love in my heart for my Savior and for the people around me. I am a happier person. It's only because I've turned my will over to Him. I remember at times I think I know what's best, but this is God's work. I'm so lucky to be a part of it.

The change I've seen in others is amazing. I've seen it happen time and time again. I was teaching a couple and they were having a lot of problems. They weren't getting along and they chose a lot of poor paths in life. Little by little their hearts changed. They accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ. They have found so much more direction in their lives. Their home is full of love. I'm so grateful I met them.

Change is possible for everyone. When we look towards God, He can help us reach our full potential. Just keep changing! I promise it's worth it.”

- Sister Mercedes Pearson is from Amsterdam, NY and is serving in the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission


Ministering - A Way of Life


Camaraderie of Brothers