Camaraderie of Brothers

“I was born in Kingston, NY.  When my father came home from the military we settled in Loudonville.  I am the oldest of nine children.  I always participated and was active in church.

Later in my life, however, I felt lost for a few years.  I wasn’t active in church anymore.  I joined a different church and kind of liked it, but I didn’t feel like I was always welcome.  It was an older church and they depended on me to do a lot of things.  But I just couldn’t do what they wanted me to do all the time.  It was very taxing.

A few years ago the Elders came by and I started listening.  I listened for over 3 years.  I would always see the Sister Missionaries too and they would talk about the church as well.  They gave me a Book of Mormon.  In the 3 years I studied I knew this was something I needed to latch on to.  

I just started to go on Sunday, and I kept going.  I enjoyed the camaraderie.  In Elders Quorum I have enjoyed the brothers coming in and teaching brothers.  I like Elders Quorum and the camaraderie and the talking that we do.  We work hard together, we are all knowledgeable, but we are social too.  We build each others’ faith.  It is all faith-based.  

As I think about my relationship with my Savior I know He has intervened.  I Have no doubt He has saved my life.  This was especially apparent a couple of years ago when I had SARS and heart problems.  One particular night I knew if I lived through the night it would be a miracle.  I didn’t die.  I really felt He was there for me.  I believe I’ve had revelation when I’ve been very sick and near death through surgery.  Every time I’ve gone in for surgery I’ve been praying and talking to God.  I feel that spiritually it’s not been my time and that I have something more to do.  I’ve been trying to live my life along the narrow path.  

I’ve always given of myself and tried to help others.  In fact, I was a volunteer firefighter for 52 years since right out of high school.  I’ve enjoyed working with people and helping people.  And through my service, I was recognized and received several awards including CPR, turnaround calls, and good for fighter awards.

Healthwise today I am doing fine.  I need to use my cane, but outside of that, I am doing great.”

– Bill Mackesey, Gleville Ward


Change is Possible


“Jesus Christ is Still Working on Me!”