
“We each live in a bubble of our own making. We cannot escape. Interpretation of the world around us is subject to what’s in our bubble. For example, you may have heard that a fish probably doesn’t know it is wet, whereas you know the difference; +1 Human. However, a fish looking at us through a glass and swimming freely in its 3D world would think we were at quite a disadvantage in that we move around stuck to the floor. A fish has Up, Down, Forward, Backward, Hover, Yaw, Pitch Roll: +1 Fish.

We have to accept that everyone’s bubble including our own is a distortion, and we have to constantly work to see clearly and to see truthfully. The apostle Paul said it thusly: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” - 1 Cor 13:12

May I suggest that we seek to learn wisdom from those with a different perspective. Instead of confrontational exchanges, I suggest we sit down together and have heartfelt conversations.

Don’t shrink from or disparage people with a different perspective (bubble). There is too much hate in the world, too much closed-mindedness, and tribalism, whether it be generational, political, racial, social, economic, etc. Reject those who try to divide us. Be humble and keep an open mind.”

– by Dave Mika who serves on the Albany Stake High Council


Come What May, And Love It

