Come What May, And Love It

“‘Come what may, and love it’ is a powerful quote from Elder Wirthlin that stuck out to me throughout the entirety of my mission.

I opened my mission call packet and saw that I was assigned to labor in the Bulgaria/Central Eurasian Mission starting in February 2020. After about 7 weeks in the Missionary Training Center, we were told that the entire MTC would be attending the departing devotional that night. We found out that we would all be sent out to reassignments in the next 4 days. Next thing I knew I was on a flight to the Maryland Baltimore Mission.

I knew that the Lord had a plan for me. My whole mindset was focused on serving the Lord in whatever capacity that I could. I didn’t wait to get to work. This was my mission. I was called to the work of Salvation, not to Bulgaria.

I always thought I would get to Bulgaria pretty quickly. After 18 months of reassignment, I finally got to go. What an amazing 6 months those were. I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father put me where he did not only because I needed to help specific people, but because there were certain people that would change my life forever. As we accept whatever comes our way, and love it, we will be effective instruments in the hands of the Lord.

Preach My Gospel Page 127 teaches us that as we work hard we receive the spirit and as we receive the spirit we are happy. That is the key to missionary work. WORK! The happiness and joy will come. Serving a mission is the best thing that any young person can do to shape their lives in the way the Lord wants us to live.”

 – Zack Bringhurst is from Burnt Hills, NY, and just returned from serving his mission on February 9, 2022.


The Message in the Hymns

