‘General Conference Ice Cream Sundaes’

“General Conference weekend is always a fun one.  We often dress up even though we're at home, as a way of showing that it's important.

We make it special by doing ‘General Conference Ice Cream Sundaes.’  Everyone gets ‘scoop points’ for how well they listened to each talk and took notes. Then at the end of each session they can turn in their notebooks, and I assign them points for how well they paid attention. They then get to choose whatever flavors of ice cream, toppings, or sprinkles they want on their Sundaes. 😁🍨

Hearing the voices of the prophet, apostles, and leaders of the church brings the spirit into our home. We feel so lucky to live in a time when we can hear their actual voices in our own homes.

We listen to General Conference often, not just over Conference Weekend.  I put it on in the mornings for the kids as they get ready for school. My daughter told me at the bus stop the other day that she likes listening in the mornings because it makes her want to be like Jesus. She's only six!

I love that my kids' childhoods can be filled with these voices and these messages. It's a good start to their day and a great start to their lives.

-Elise Zvirzdin, Hudson Branch


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