Temple Work

My wife and I were sealed together for time and all eternity in the Washington, DC temple on September 1, 1987 and then our five children were brought into the sealing room so that they could be sealed to us. It was an overwhelming feeling, as a convert to the church, to know that we had been sealed together as an eternal family by the power of the priesthood. Several years later when we were serving as ordinance workers in the Boston Temple, I was impressed by one of the sealers that I was working with who told me, with tears in his eyes, that he had a very special feeling every time he sealed a couple together, by the power of the priesthood, knowing that he had acted for the Lord in creating a new eternal family.

Each and every trip to the Temple has become a special experience that we looked forward to with anticipation. When we went as patrons, we developed a closeness to each other and to those for whom we were serving as proxies. When we went as workers, we were rewarded by the opportunity to help others serve their relatives or themselves in performing those ordinances that were essential to their salvation. In either case, as either a patron or worker, we felt a closeness to the Lord and gained a greater understanding of the Lord’s plan of salvation and of his great love for each of us.

The Temple truly is the House of the Lord.

William Phillips, Schenectady Ward


“Influenced by Generations to Stand for Christ”


‘General Conference Ice Cream Sundaes’