Glenville Ward Conference

Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Glenville Ward lies in the center of Albany New York Stake’s boundaries with Saratoga Ward to the north and east, Schenectady and Albany 1st wards along its southern border, and Gloversville Branch to the west. The congregation held their annual ward conference on Sunday July 10th with the stake presidency and other stake officers in attendance. The meetings began with the sustaining of general and local Church officers. After the ordinance of the sacrament was administered to the congregation by young priesthood holders ages 11-18, Bishop Mike Butcher shared a message titled “Propinquity, Prayer, and Prosperity,” which we will highlight in a future post. His message was followed by a small ward choir singing an inspiring rendition of “Have Faith in God'' by B.B. McKinney. Following the musical number, stake president, John Vincent Gulisane, Jr. spoke to the congregation. 

President Gulisane noted how impressed he felt when watching the young men work together to provide the ordinance of the sacrament and how thoughtfully and diligently they carried out their duties. He also spoke about the week he spent helping with the stake’s Young Women Camp held at the Church-owned Seneca Lake Camp. He observed the girls busily and regularly making entries in their journals. He was also impressed by one young lady who had come to camp with friends but was not a member of the church. Though she didn’t talk much during the hour-long drive to camp, she was welcomed and felt a sense of belonging so much so that she bore her testimony during the camp testimony meeting and talked excitedly all the way home. President Guilisane also challenged the congregation to make God the center of their lives, end contention, and foster a sense of belonging with people they interact with regardless of any differences.


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