Guided Every Day

“Hello!  We’re the Heller family who recently moved to the Schenectady ward. 

Scott and I both grew up in Wisconsin about an hour away from each other, but due to my teenage antisocial tendencies we never met at any of the multi-stake dances or activities.  Instead, we met after I finished my mission at the end of May 2019.  The morning after I got home, my sister Tyli had a training at her new job at a furniture factory.  I felt inspired to go with her, and I was offered a job there!  I hadn’t even been released as a missionary yet!

On Scott’s side of the story, he had finished another semester at BYU-Idaho and came back to Wisconsin to work at a cheese factory.  Scott quit that job because he would have been required to work on Sundays.  He applied to a lot of different places but without any luck.  He ended up applying for jobs through a temp agency, and that’s how he ended up at the same furniture factory, in the same department, about a week after Tyli and I started.

For various reasons, Scott and I were not interested in dating anyone for a while.

Plot twist: Scott and I were sealed in the Chicago temple that September (2019).  I joke with him that all of this is because he kept the Sabbath day holy.

In January 2021 we happily welcomed our son Theo into our family.

This year (2022) we completed our degrees at BYU-Idaho (Scott with a Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering, and me with an Associate’s in General Studies).  Even though we loved Idaho, Scott and I received confirmation that taking this job offer in New York was our next step.

It’s been a wild journey, but we’ve become so much more because of it.  We’re strong believers of living by the Spirit.  You never know when a little prompting will lead to something so much more than you expect!”

- Emma & Scott Heller, Schenectady


Glenville Ward Conference


Seminary Graduate-Jacob Trussell