“He’s Probably Talking to Me”

They say that serving a mission is not what you expect. The work part of the mission is as I expected it to be, but what I didn't expect was all the different things I would learn. I have learned main things being here in King County in Washington state. I have been able to see many different perspectives that people will share if they are willing to talk to me. Also seen people in the gall of bitterness when they open the door and see me standing there. From these interactions I truly see how wonderful the gospel is when understood by study, logic, faith, and revelation is an amazing thing. My eyes were opened to how complex and how many different tools the Lord uses in accomplishing His work, even if it doesn't mean the person joins the Church, but at least comes unto Christ or minds their spirituality a little bit more. Sometimes even strangers will give you words of encouragement when you knock on their door. Seattle isn't as wet as I thought it would be. 

Being here on a mission has been an amazing opportunity to try and develop Christlike love for all people. When people are rude and such, Mormon 9:2-6 comes to mind, but then I remember since I am the one reading the Book of Mormon, he's probably talking to me. In coming to Christ the natural man response has decreased significantly, but not taken away, I still have things to work on. On a mission I have heard and seen what people do and not do in their lifestyles, and I try to record what I learned and try to apply it in my own life, especially for future callings. For example, how truly important it is to get the different sides of the story and to understand how people interpret things and why they interpret events or scripture that way. I am truly grateful to be here on a mission, what other time would I have to hear and think about the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ 24/7/730 and be able to see the hand of the Lord from so many people's stories of looking in retrospect. What other time will I be in a group of friends and acquaintances my age and say to them, "Let's pray about this," and this has been considered a normal response. How grateful I am for Jesus Christ and what He has done for me, to help me see the importance and relevance of His sacrifice, His Church, His scriptures, and His continuation of sending prophets and apostles.

- Elder David Gabriel is from Easton, New York, and is serving in the Washington Seattle Mission (which doesn't actually include Seattle)


Serving the Lord is a Blessing


The Last Shall Be First