The Last Shall Be First
On my mission I have learned so much and have witnessed so many miracles. As well as meeting new people and helping them come closer to our Savior Jesus Christ. As I've served, I've come to love these people so much. Many people here have such strong beliefs whether it be in Jesus Christ, or the Islamic faith. Either way, you won't meet one person who doesn't believe in God. I can truly see that Heavenly Father loves all of us, and that he provides for his children.
A scripture that comes to mind is Matthew 20: 16 "So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen."
Africa, more specific West Africa and Sierra Leone is among one of the last countries to receive the Church and the Restored Gospel. Even though they had a late start, it didn't take them long to get going. During my mission, I've seen the church grow a lot. And this is the fastest growing part of the world for the Church. People are just so willing to learn and see for themselves. Some are practically begging for a Book of Mormon because of their friends.
I truly have a testimony, I know Jesus Christ died for you and me, yet He lives. He loves us, and anyone can feel that love. As I've served the people around me (they have almost nothing), but they are way happier than most of the people I see back home. I'm so blessed to have this experience in Sierra Leone, I know the Lord prepared me for this experience. The Book of Mormon is the most correct book on the surface of the earth, if you don't know it, read it. I know that it is true. I testify that God loves all his children, and that those who come unto Him can receive His rest and peace. And I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Elder Mahar’s Family Attends at Schoharie Valley Ward and Elder Mahar is serving a mission in the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission