Seen and Heard

My name is Madelyn Barzee, and I am currently attending BYU. I am an elementary education major and am going into my fifth semester at school.   Living in Utah has been a unique experience for me because living amongst a great percentage of people who identify as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lead me to the comparison of my testimony to others. For most of my life, I have been a very doubtful person and have struggled with my faith in the church. I have my ups and downs, my good and bad days, but overall, I cannot say that my faith in this church is super strong, 100% of the time. 

I wanted to see if I could increase my faith and strengthen my testimony by reading one talk a day by Elder Uchtdorf.  This experience has been one that I can say strengthened my testimony and helped me feel closer to my Heavenly Parents and Christ. I felt seen and heard by Elder Uchtdorf and felt calmed by his words of simplicity and encouragement. 

In his 2012 talk, “Of Regrets and Resolutions” Elder Uchtdorf said “Declaring our testimony of the gospel is good, but being a living example of the restored gospel is better.” I feel as if we too often get caught up in the small details and policies of the gospel rather than remembering that living the gospel is the best way we can show our faith and testimony. A person may not be able to list all the prophets of the church, name all the books of scripture, or know the words to popular hymns. However, a person can live the gospel when all they do is simply live like Christ did. Living like Christ did and following the restored gospel principles of love, service, and faith are great ways in which we can show ourselves and others that we have a testimony of this church. Going out and teaching or declaring our faith to others is not necessarily a bad thing. However, going out and living our faith can be just as good and sometimes more effective. 

In 2020, “Come and Belong”, Elder Uchtdorf said “You don’t have to be perfect. You only have to have a desire to develop your faith and draw nearer to Him each day.” Again, hearing that I do not need to be perfect and only trying my best from the mouth of an apostle is extremely comforting to me. We must remember that most people in this church, and in this world, are trying their best to be good people and live a happy life. Just having a desire to grow closer to Heavenly Father and Mother is a step in the right direction.  We are good enough when we have that small desire to want to know our Heavenly Parents and want to live a faithful life.

When I find myself comparing my testimony to others, I can remember that my testimony is unique, appreciated, and valid—just as everyone’s testimony is.  And I can work on my faith one day at a time—building one’s testimony is not something that has to happen overnight. As long as I have a desire and am trying to endure to the end, I am good enough and perfect in that way.

I believe and have faith that this church is true, and my questions are valid and my difference in testimony is appreciated and valued, just as everyone is appreciated and valued too.

-Madelyn Barzee, Saratoga Ward


The Covenant Path


The Pure Love of Christ