Talk to Him
“The first twelve weeks in the mission field was such a struggle. I was always so tired of waking up at 6:30am and not being able to lay my head down until 10:30pm at night. The days seemed like they were dragging on forever and were never going to end. Also serving in a mission that was three blocks was really getting too me. I started to really begin to question if mission life was for me.
There was one day when I was reading in the scriptures and I received a strong impression that the only way I was going to overcome these feelings was through praying to the Lord and telling Him everything I am feeling and ask Him to give me strength. I knew that trusting in the Lord would help me overcome these struggles and that I would be able to overcome these feelings through Christ.
Later that day and many days following I made sure to talk with my father in heaven at the end of the night before I went to bed and ask for help.
I know that because I trusted that the Lord could help me get through these difficult times I was having, that He did. A lot of times it can be very difficult to have faith in Christ because of how strenuous your circumstances can be. I know with all my heart that the Lord can soften our hearts and strengthen our minds to having uplifting thoughts if we ask Him, especially when we are doing his work each and everyday, which is inviting everyone to come unto Him. It is a great privilege to me to be his mouthpiece each and everyday!
As I have trusted in Him, I have been able to recognize His hand in the work each and everyday. I have also been able to see the great power of this great work more fully as I have trusted in Him. I absolutely love serving in the Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.”
Sister Devonne Gibson is serving in the Utah Salt Lake Temple Square Mission and her family attends at the Albany 2nd Branch