“The House of the Lord”

“We are honored to be called as the new President and Matron of the Hartford, CT Temple. We have resided in the Springfield MA Stake for the past 35 years. We made our home in Springfield where our four children were raised and graduated from high school. President Forsberg was born and raised in Wenatchee, WA and Sister Forsberg in Rochester, NY. We were both blessed with good parents who raised us with the gospel in our homes. Our children are spread across the globe. Our oldest daughter lives in Redmond, OR. Our second daughter is in the Ludlow Ward of the Springfield Stake. Our son is currently stationed in Honolulu, HI. Our youngest daughter lives in Auckland, New Zealand. They each have been blessed with three children, so we are grandparents to twelve amazing grandchildren! We just added a new family member as a granddaughter got married this past month. They all keep us both busy and young at heart.

On May 31 st of this year, we were released as senior missionaries having served in the Texas San Antonio Mission. What an awesome experience that was and until we received this call, we were anticipating perhaps a move to Kerrville, Texas. We can testify that you come to love those with whom you serve! Hopefully, our experience as Leader Support missionaries has helped prepare as for this new responsibility. President Forsberg is a huge BYU football fan and was excited to be able to be a part of Friday night lights as he took in high school games in Texas. He is a people person who enjoys getting to know people. President Forsberg had several careers, the final one with the church in facilities for 23 years. He has both an older and a younger brother. Fun fact about President Forsberg is that he was sealed to his parents in the Cardston Alberta Temple as a young boy.

Sister Forsberg loves to be outdoors, especially at the beach and traveling. Our children have over the years given us great places to visit. We recently took a five-and-a-half-week vacation to visit with our children, their spouses, and all our grandchildren. Sister Forsberg spent over 40 years working in Early Childhood Education as a teacher and Director of a private nursery school. She has four brothers and four sisters. Fun fact about Sister Forsberg is that as a youth she had the opportunity to participate in the Hill Cumorah Pageant. We look forward to meeting each of you and working alongside you as we serve the patrons of the Hartford Temple District. We testfy that there is power within the walls of the temple. It is the Lord’s House, and we are aiding in building His kingdom as we labor there. We are grateful for the trust given to each of us as we serve in the Lord’s House.”


Talk to Him


“Holiness to the Lord”