With God All Things Are Possible!

“My childhood wasn't anything out of the ordinary. My thoughts reflect fondly on that time of my life. There were definitely some hardships that my family had to endure and overcome. However, I was very blessed. I was born in the year 1973 in Amsterdam, New York.

My membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints was inherited. My mother was a loving, devoted covenant-keeping woman. Despite her many challenges, she raised me and my siblings in the gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ was always present in our home in word and deed due to my beloved mother.

Of the many gospel experiences of my youth, there is one that stands out in my mind. I was privileged to attend a youth temple trip to the Washington DC temple. There I performed baptisms for the deceased. I felt the indescribable peace and joy that comes from participating in this sacred work. This was a cherished experience.

It left a lasting impression upon my soul. I knew that God lived and I believe that he heard my prayers. exercised this belief at that time through my own sincere prayers. I felt my Heavenly Father's presence in my life.

Regrettably, I veered off this path. As I reflect back on my life it's hard to completely pinpoint exactly where and why I went off track, but I did. I am sure it was a combination of many bad choices. I know that I chose to put myself into situations that were filled with the adversaries' temptations. At the time I felt that I was strong enough. I was so foolish and prideful. Those worldly temptations became more and more appealing as time went on. Before long I was weakened in my mind, body, and spirit. There is a power and pull that comes from our good and bad decisions. There is a reason why God tells us to stand in holy places and to feed our souls daily with righteousness. Satan is the master deceiver and an expert at knowing our weaknesses. He is patient and always engaged in his evil designs. The adversary desires to have our souls. He delights in our misery and wants each of us to be as he is. Miserable forever and unable to move forward.

For many years I was truly lost. I definitely wasn't happy. In the beginning, I felt a false sense of happiness, but I can honestly say from experience that sin never brings us any real or lasting happiness. Eventually, I came to a point where I felt completely trapped. I was trapped by my own sinful choices. I was alive, but I felt dead. I can only describe it as being like a zombie. I was in a fog most of the time. I knew that I didn't have the strength to overcome the addictions and challenges in my life. By any worldly account, my situation seemed to be pretty hopeless.

Thankfully our Father in Heaven turns hopelessness into hopefulness. God's love for us and His power to save us is beyond our human understanding. He is Love, and his power is over all of the earth and all of his creations. Knowing that God was there and that he heard my prayers was my saving grace. Looking back I know that my Father in Heaven was always with me.

During this very low time of my life, I asked God in sincere prayer to help me. I expressed to my Heavenly Father that it would take a miracle from Him for my life to change. I told him that I couldn't do it on my own, but that I knew that all things were possible through him. I asked God to help me to be happy. It was a sincere and heartfelt prayer.

Within days of my prayer, our Father in Heaven started working miracles on my behalf. Throughout the upcoming weeks and months, God performed one miracle after the other for me. There were sacrifices that were made for my benefit that I will always be grateful for. God allowed me to see more clearly. My eyes were opened and I was blessed to see and feel the consequences of my sinful choices. Not only the effect that they had on me but also how they affected those around me. All that we do good or bad has a real impact and influence on those around us.

I would also add that all that we don't do that is right has a real impact on others in our life as well. Our families, friends, and associates are impacted greatly by our choices. This keen awareness of the pain that I had caused to come to others was an absolute blessing to me. Through this experience, I felt real remorse for what I had done.

I asked God with real sorrow to forgive me for the sinful choices that I had made and for the pain that I had caused others.

O how completely freeing true repentance is. Peace and joy filled my soul as I had never known before. A constant disposition to do good came over me. And the love of Christ was in my heart. I was able to see others through God's eyes, as the precious souls, they really are. I was truly happy.

Sincere repentance is a gift made possible only through the loving sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. Our Savior's atoning sacrifice makes it possible for us to be healed, purified and strengthened. The atonement of Jesus Christ is the greatest gift our Heavenly Father has given to us here on earth and makes all other eternal blessings available to us.

I love my Savior. I know that He loves me and knows me so very personally, as He loves and knows each and everyone of us. He is my strength and everything to me. His spirit directs and uplifts me every day, every hour, and every second. Because of him my life is unrecognizable. I still struggle as we all do, but through the sacred ordinances and covenant of the gospel I am moving forward on the covenant path. I am striving to improve and relying on the Savior's atonement daily.

I have been blessed with the privilege of serving as a temple worker in the Hartford Connecticut Temple. Each time I enter the temple I know that I am in the Lord's house. I am home on earth and where I am supposed to be. Every time that I serve in the temple I gain a greater understanding of the plan of salvation. I am strengthened to go forward along the covenant path with a greater understanding of my responsibilities in this great work. Step by step I am learning and growing. My mind is enlightened by the spirit. I have confidence in my Father in Heaven and Savior and know that through them I can accomplish all that I am called to do.

Through the love and power of our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ, I was found. I was led lovingly back to their church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I testify that They live and love each and every one of us unconditionally. I know that they see us for who we really are and for who we can become. They are with us even when we feel alone, hopeless, or unworthy. They are there to help us. They will carry us in their arms if need be or walk beside us holding our hands. They have all power and goodness within them. Their whole desire and work are to bring to pass our immortality and glory. Our happiness and safety are what they care about. Don't ever give up on yourself or others because They never will.

Change is possible through them. No one is out of their reach. We are God's children. We each have a mission to complete here on earth. Always remember that all things are possible through God!”

- Vivian Mellot, Gloversville


Faith & Trust


Striving to Do ‘All The Things’ . . . and Keep Trying to Smile!