“Influenced by Generations to Stand for Christ”

I am very grateful to have been raised by goodly parents who loved the Lord; and, also for my family’s generations, who also love God. They were examples to me to stand for the things that were right.  They came as refugees from Mesopotamia who escaped to Lebanon because they would not deny Jesus Christ!  I believe they were blessed for their stand for Christ through our family’s finding the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

 As a youth, my parents allowed me and my siblings to make our own choices about attending church. In attending other churches, I could not find as extensive the knowledge, covenants, or ordinances of Christ, including sealing families together forever, as I was taught in the Church of Jesus Christ.  Over my lifetime, I have grown to know and love my brothers and sisters in Christ who are affiliated with other churches. Many churches are like those who helped my ancestors stand true to Christ, even in the face of persecution.  I admire Christians who remind me how important it is to follow the teachings of Christ, such as friends who have reminded me how to act more like the Savior.  I am grateful for what this Church of Jesus Christ teaches in respecting and learning from others, and the importance of serving them; but, I love the greater knowledge of truth!

I have found unclouded spiritual clarification of Jesus Christ’s doctrines and my covenants with Him, such as the plan of salvation, life after death, and being families forever!  This Church has Christ’s power and authority to lead me – and the world – as it teaches truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.  I know that Christ has appointed modern prophets today.  Their words come clearly with Christ’s power.  I find joy in the Lord, regardless of the changing conditions of the world.  I am so grateful for the promises and covenants He offers to me. He has sent the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, to help us all recognize and come to know Our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  I know all three beings live!  I know Heavenly Father’s work is to bring us back to His Heavenly Family by learning love, service, and gratitude for others! I choose to stand valiantly for Christ!

– Cindy Gabriel


Living Christlike Attributes


Temple Work