Buenos días, Soy la Hermana Mejia, Soy de Colombia
Buenos días, Soy la Hermana Mejia, Soy de Colombia

“Come What May, and Love It.”
To be faithful, we have been taught in D&C, Section 87, Verse 8… To fear not and “Stand ye in Holy Places and be not moved.” If we do, we can do as Elder Wirthlin was taught… to Come What May, and Love It.

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is truly Jesus Christ’s church. I know that, because of the intense revelations that I have received. I’m so very grateful for my testimony and for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Irish Connections
Ever since I was a little girl, my Irish parents made sure I knew that there were two people directly responsible for my family’s membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Imagine my surprise when I learned that their daughter lived 15 minutes from my home in New York!

He shall prepare a way
President Baldwin is shown here with his wife, Kirsten. They currently reside in Coxsackie and are long-standing members of the Greenville Branch at 2010 Co Rd 41 in Greenville NY. Services start at 10:00 am on Sundays and all are welcome!

Mission Prep Class
Youth in the Albany NY area are preparing to serve their missions and are currently taking a preparatory class led by Makenna Pack. They are a wonderful group of young people and have shared in the following video their thoughts on serving a mission. Take a look!
Kudos to Will for an excellent job putting this video together and thank you to all who are preparing to serve.

Service Mission
Elder Eric Barrett is a member of the Bennington VT Branch and is currently performing a “Service Mission” and does so while at home and helping his family. Tamarah Southwick recently reached out to Elder Eric Barrett to learn more about him and his service mission. What follows below is what was received from Elder Barrett.

Talk to Him
“A lot of times it can be very difficult to have faith in Christ because of how strenuous your circumstances can be. I know with all my heart that the Lord can soften our hearts and strengthen our minds to having uplifting thoughts if we ask Him”

“The House of the Lord”
For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the temple is the most sacred place of worship on earth—it is the House of the Lord. It is a place set apart from the rest of the world where members seek to draw closer to God. The phrases “Holiness to the Lord” and “The House of the Lord” are found near the entrance of every temple and remind us that each is a sacred place.

“Holiness to the Lord”
For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the temple is the most sacred place of worship on earth—it is the House of the Lord. It is a place set apart from the rest of the world where members seek to draw closer to God. The phrases “Holiness to the Lord” and “The House of the Lord” are found near the entrance of every temple and remind us that each is a sacred place.

“Christ truly knows and loves us personally”
“I'm grateful for his faith and the faith of all the Saints that have come before me. I'm grateful for everyone in my life who has helped me come unto Christ, I'm so thrilled to have these two years to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel.”
-Elder Caden Sheffield

“He’s Probably Talking to Me”
“My eyes were opened to how complex and how many different tools the Lord uses in accomplishing His work, even if it doesn't mean the person joins the Church, but at least comes unto Christ or minds their spirituality a little bit more. Sometimes even strangers will give you words of encouragement when you knock on their door. “

The Last Shall Be First
“Many people here have such strong beliefs whether it be in Jesus Christ, or the Islamic faith. Either way, you won't meet one person who doesn't believe in God. I can truly see that Heavenly Father loves all of us, and that he provides for his children. “

“An Amazing Experience”
“I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to love the people of Alaska and am looking forward to the miracles in the days ahead.”

A Perfect Brightness of Hope
“Please do not despair at the travails of the world. Look to our prophet and to our Savior Jesus Christ to see the paths we should follow to navigate the challenges of life. Likewise, do not let your memories of sins, for which you have truly and faithfully repented, ever let you think that our Heavenly Father has not forgotten them. God cannot lie and if He says that He will forget your sins He will. You will remember them as part of your learning experience from life, but God will not and will not hold those sins against you if you have faithfully repented. [And you may know that your repentance has been complete if you have confessed and forsaken the sin.] And finally, as you start to and continue to feel the Spirit grow and swell in your life, know that that is the sign, even the gift from our Heavenly Father, to let you know that your forgiveness is complete. “
Bishop John Zowtiak, Albany 1st Ward

All Faiths are Important
“I’ve always been in the feeling that it’s important to believe in a Supreme Being. That I was created and put on this earth by a Supreme Being. I believe the miracles recorded in the Bible, like Jesus having raised Lazarus from the dead. How Jesus fed all the people with a couple fishes.”

Isaiah 2:2, Top of the Mountains
“If there was a scripture I could use to sum up my mission, it would be Isaiah 2:2-3” “I have talked to people from Iraq, South Sudan, Turkey, Guyana, Canada, Brazil and all parts of Europe. I have taught people from Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama, El Salvador, Uruguay and Paraguay. I have baptized people from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. I have seen that they come here, whether they know it or not, to learn more from the Lord and to be taught in his way.”

We Believe in Miracles
Barbara Smith shares her story in this short clip from October 9, recorded in the Schoharie Valley Ward.