Painting of the Sacred Grove
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Painting of the Sacred Grove

"Everyone's painting is so different, even though we watched the same video. It is just like our testimony. We can all read the same account of Joseph Smith's First Vision, we can all read the same scriptures, but each of us will have different experiences that shape and strengthen our individual testimonies."

-Kimmie Davenport, Albany 2nd

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Light that Never Can be Darkened
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Light that Never Can be Darkened

“It almost makes it more real to see it happen either gradually or quickly in someone else because you can physically see a change in their appearance, their decisions, and then spiritually see that they are relying on Jesus Christ, yearning to become like Him. And in this change, there becomes a power of faith, hope, peace, and joy that surrounds them!”

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Pennies from Heaven
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Pennies from Heaven

“Coins that are beat up and worn are often the most rewarding to find. Some are so mangled by life they may be difficult to recognize for what they are. But a penny is still a penny, and has the same worth as a penny fresh from the mint. The same can be said for blessings. Like looking for pennies, we must be vigilant in searching for and recognizing the little blessings the Lord has for us each and every day. As Elder Uchtdorf promised in his talk “Come, Join with Us,” when we have a perspective of faith instead of doubt, even the smallest blessings will speak volumes.”

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I Know Who I am in Christ
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I Know Who I am in Christ

“When you accept Christ as your personal savior, it’s like a package. If I give you a package and you did not open the package how are you going to enjoy the gifts?

So my relationship with Christ is very strong! Whatever happens to me, I am not scared. Because I know who I am in Christ!”

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Helpful Tips for Your Calling
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Helpful Tips for Your Calling

“We have all heard people say and even have said to ourselves, that our callings are wearing us out or that we don’t have time to serve. But magnifying our callings does not mean staying up all night preparing a lesson, handouts, and elaborate decorations. The message of a good lesson comes through spiritual preparation and a focus on the principles of the gospel. This also creates an interesting exchange of ideas through discussion, not through all the extra creative work that makes us so weary that we come to resent the time we spend in fulfilling our callings.”

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Angels in Our Life
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Angels in Our Life

We know that the Book of Mormon contains the word of God, preserved for this time of great restoration and gathering. We know that it is another testimony of Jesus Christ to help us to always remember Him, to follow Him and obey His commandments. Without reservation we desire to follow His living prophet, Russell M Nelson, the apostles and other leaders, as they reveal to us our part in this great work. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only church on earth with Jesus Christ at the head; it is His church.

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Living Christlike Attributes
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Living Christlike Attributes

Courtney’s smile could light up a room. She was kind to everyone, making each person she talked to feel important. Courtney lived her life to the fullest. She tried to be the best person she could be. Everything she did was to the best of her ability. You could tell what she believed by the way she lived as a quiet example of Jesus Christ and his unconditional love for us . . .

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“Influenced by Generations to Stand for Christ”
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

“Influenced by Generations to Stand for Christ”

They [my parents] came as refugees from Mesopotamia who escaped to Lebanon because they would not deny Jesus Christ! I believe they were blessed for their stand for Christ through our family’s finding the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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Temple Work
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Temple Work

“one of the sealers that I was working with who told me, with tears in his eyes, that he had a very special feeling every time he sealed a couple together, by the power of the priesthood, knowing that he had acted for the Lord in creating a new eternal family”

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Joy is our Birthright!
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Joy is our Birthright!

As I studied the Book of Mormon, I discovered this extraordinary message: “Adam fell, that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy” ( 2 Nephi 2:25). What kind of church preaches joy? Joy is not only allowed —it is our birthright! Who doesn’t want joy?

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Ministering - A Way of Life
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Ministering - A Way of Life

“From my first hearing of the announcement of Ministering in April 2018, my enthusiasm for Ministering has steadily grown. I believe Ministering can make an incredible positive impact on the Church, and on our individual lives.”

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Change is Possible
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Change is Possible

“I love my Savior Jesus Christ. Because of Him I know that change is possible. I've seen so much change as I've been on my mission. Sometimes it's change in me, and sometimes it's change in those I'm working with . . .

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Camaraderie of Brothers
Barbara Maughan Barbara Maughan

Camaraderie of Brothers

“In Elders Quorum I have enjoyed the brothers coming in and teaching brothers. I like Elders Quorum and the camaraderie and the talking that we do. We work hard together, we are all knowledgeable, but we are social too. We build each others’ faith.

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The Message in the Hymns
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The Message in the Hymns

I love the hymns. I love the message they bring. I try to follow the words in my mind and intercept them the way the composer intended. I just love the hymns. I love the message in the words . . .

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Come What May, And Love It
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Come What May, And Love It

‘Come what may, and love it’ is a powerful quote from Elder Wirthlin that stuck out to me throughout the entirety of my mission . . .

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May I suggest that we seek to learn wisdom from those with a different perspective. Instead of confrontational exchanges, I suggest we sit down together and have heartfelt conversations . . .

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“I love the Hebrew word ‘shalom’ - which translates to ‘peace.’ Peace is the quest we all seek in life. And that's why Jews even today greet and bid farewell with ‘shalom’ as it is a feeling of complete peace . . . a feeling of harmony and tranquility in life.

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